MIL-PRF-27601C Formulation sheets. An example of a satisfactory form for the formulation sheet, indicating the percent
by weight and purpose of each ingredient, is as follows:
Base stock(s)
(composition and source)
Anti-wear additive
(composition and source)
Oxidation inhibitor
(composition and source)
Other additives
(composition and source)
6.4 Standard rubber samples. Samples of the standard synthetic rubber FKM (see 3.3.12for the test specified in
table VII may be obtained from either Precision Rubber Products, Phoenix AZ, or the University of Akron, Akron
6.4.1 Rubber swell data. Samples of AMS 3217/2, AMS 3217/4 and AMS 3217/5 have been tested in a 4cSt
polyalphaolefin base stock fluid to FTMS 791, method 3603. The tests were run at 135°C for 168 hours. Typical
data is shown in the table below.
TABLE VIII. Typical rubber swell data.
Percent swell
6.0 - 6.5
0.0 - 0.5
0.0 - 0.5
6.5 Contractual notes. In addition to qualification and quality conformance testing, the Air Force will perform
final acceptance testing on each contract awarded. Specific requirements and instruction addressing this matter
will be called out in each contract. Questions in regard to this action should be forwarded to: Commander, SA-
ALC/SFTT, Kelly AFB TX 78241-5000.
6.6 Disposal actions.
6.6.1 Background. The accumulated waste fluid will be disposed of through a waste oil recovery program unless
prohibited by local law. Otherwise, the product will be disposed of in accordance to local law and regulations
promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under Public Law 94-580, Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act of 1976.
6.6.2 Handling and safety precautions. Personnel handling the product will wear appropriate impervious
clothing to prevent repeated or prolonged skin contact. Local appraisal is required for exact health and safety
implications and to prescribe precise application of protective clothing. If skin or clothing becomes moistened with
the product, personnel will promptly wash with soap or mild detergent and water. Respirators are not required
unless there is an inhalation exposure to mists. Personnel will wear protective clothing when using the product
and when cleaning up spills.
6.6.3 Depot-type operations. Additionally, the used product, which has been drained from the hydraulic systems,
will be combined with unused, but contaminated fluid from partially full containers and then recycled.
6.6.4 Container disposal. Tops from one-time-use containers will be discarded with ordinary refuse. Containers
will be made as empty as possible using gravity draining, after which they are to be crushed and buried in a
permitted sanitary landfill or incinerated with general refuse. No special decontamination procedures are required
for empty containers or their lids.