MIL-PRF-46176B Cup hardness change. Measure the hardness of the rubber cups IAW method
361 of FED-STD-791 before and after the stroking test to verify conformance to A
decrease in hardness of more than 15 points for any cup shall constitute failure of this test. Cup lip interference set. Measure the lip interference set of the rubber cups
IAW method 361 of FED-STD-791 after the stroking test to verify conformance to A lip
interference set of more than 65% for any cup shall constitute failure of this test. System pressure change. Measure the pressure of the system during the
stroking test IAW method 361 of FED-STD-791 to verify conformance to A pressure
increase of more than 241 kPa or a pressure decrease of more than 345 kPa shall constitute failure
of this test. System fluid loss during test. Measure the amount of brake fluid lost due to
leakage and evaporation at 24-hour intervals during the stroking test IAW method 361 of
FED-STD-791 to verify conformance to A loss of more than 36 mL of brake fluid at the
end of any interval shall constitute failure of this test. System fluid loss - end of test. Measure the system leakage after completion of
the stroking test IAW method 361 of FED-STD-791 to verify conformance to A loss of
more than 36 mL of brake fluid shall constitute failure of this test. Fluid sediment. After the completion of the stroking test, collect the fluid from
the master cylinder and wheel cylinders in separate glass jars. Remove all of the test fluid from
the cups, springs, pistons, and internal areas of the cylinders, using a soft brush to aid in the
collection of loose residue. Determine the percent of residue IAW ASTM D91 to verify
conformance to A sediment level of more than 2% by volume shall constitute failure of
this test. Piston performance. During the stroking test, observe the functioning of the
master cylinder piston and the wheel cylinder pistons IAW method 361 of FED-STD-791 to
verify conformance to Any improper functioning of the pistons shall constitute failure of
this test.
4.3.4 Interface requirements verifications. Corrosiveness. Expose rubber cups and metal strips (see 6.4) to the brake fluid as
specified in the following procedure, and perform the tests of through to verify
conformance to 3.4.1:
a. Three SBR wheel brake cylinder cups conforming to SAE J1703 are required.
The cups shall be free from lint and dirt, and shall be either within 6 months of the
manufacture date if stored between 20°C and 30°C, or within 36 months of the
manufacture date if stored below -15°C.
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