TABLE II. Properties of the finished fluid - Continued.
Concentration of red dye
One part per 10,000 parts of oil by weight, max.
Corrosiveness and oxidation stability
Change in weight of steel, aluminum
alloy, magnesium alloy, and cadmium-plated
steel: 0.2 milligrams per square centimeter
(mg/cm2), max.
Slight discoloration of cadmium is permitted.
Change in weight of copper: 0.6 mg/cm2, max.
No pitting, etching, nor visible corrosion at a
magnification of 20 diameters (20X).
Any corrosion produced on the surface of the copper
shall be less than No. 3 of the ASTM Copper
Strip Corrosion Standard
(ASTM-D130 Adjunct, available from ASTM
as number 12-401300-00).
Resistance to oxidation
No evidence of separation or gumming of fluid.
Change in viscosity at 40°C: 10 percent, max.
Increase in neutralization number: 0.2, max.
20.0 percent by weight, max.
Fire point
245°C, min.
Flame propagation
0.30 cm/second, max.
Wick flammability
10 cycles, min.
Flash point
205°C, min.
Foaming characteristics at 25°C
At end of 5 minute blowing period: 65 ml, max.
(foam height in container)
After settling 10 minutes: complete collapse 1/
High temperature - high pressure spray ignition
The fluid shall not continue to burn when the source
of ignition is removed.
High temperature stability
The change in the viscosity at 40°C shall not exceed
5 percent.
The neutralization number shall not increase more
than 0.1.
There shall be no formation of precipitate or
insoluble material.
Low temperature stability (72 hours at -40 ±1°C)
No evidence of gelling, clouding, crystallization,
solidification or separation of ingredients.
Lubricity, 10 ±0.5 milliliter (ml) sample:
Maximum scar diameter: 0.21 millimeter (mm)
Under a 1 kilogram (kg) load
Maximum scar diameter: 0.30 mm
Under a 10 kg load
Maximum scar diameter: 0.65 mm
Under a 40kg load
Neutralization number
0.10, max.
Pour point
-55°C, max.
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