4.3.1 Lot acceptance requirements. The results from each sample, when tested as specified in Table I, shall not
vary from the results of the qualified sample by more than the tolerances listed in Table II, and shall meet the
Table II. Tolerances of physical properties.
Gravity, degrees API
Sulfur, %
Original sulfur level ≥ 0.15
Original sulfur level < 0.15
Viscosity @ 40°C (104°F), centistokes 1/
Pour point, °C 1/
Oxidation stability by rotating bomb, %
Samples shall meet the requirements specified in Table I.
If base oil materials have changed from the sample at qualification, the above sulfur tolerance does not apply.
4.3.2 Inspection lot. At place of manufacture. For the purpose of sampling, one lot of hydraulic fluid shall consist of a
manufacturer's batch. When material cannot be identified by batch, one lot shall consist of not more than 10,000
gallons (38 cubic metres). At place of delivery. For the purpose of sampling, a delivery lot of hydraulic fluid shall consist of
hydraulic fluid in a single shipment.
4.3.3 Sampling for conformance. Sampling a storage tank. A representative sample of five gallons of hydraulic fluid shall be taken from
each lot as specified in ASTM D4057. Sampling during loading. Samples shall be drawn at the discharge pipe when it enters the bulk carriers
(tank cars, tank trucks, and so forth). At least four samples shall be taken at regular intervals during the entire
period of loading or filling, each sample being one pint. Only one sample for one continuous drum filling operation
is required and shall be taken after approximately 10 percent of the volume of product has been drummed. Sampling of filled containers. Samples from a packaged lot (see 6.9) shall be taken for testing in
accordance with ASTM D4057 or ASTM D4177, as appropriate. The contents of each container to be sampled shall
be shaken, rolled, or stirred to mix the contents thoroughly. Quart samples shall be drawn from four randomly
selected drums in the lot and composited. Equal portions shall be withdrawn from approximately the center of each
container by means of a thief or other sampling device. Examination of filled containers. A random sample of filled containers shall be selected from each lot
in accordance with ASQ Z1.4 at Inspection Level II to verify compliance with this specification regarding fill,
closure, marking, and other requirements not involving tests. Samples shall be examined for defects of the container
and the closure, for evidence of leakage and for unsatisfactory markings. Each container shall also be weighed to
determine the amount of the contents. Any container in the sample having one or more defects or under required fill
shall be cause for rejection of the container.
4.4 Test methods.
4.4.1 Off-gassing. The hydraulic fluid shall be tested by a Government-approved testing facility in accordance
with NAVSEA S9510-AB-ATM-010 chapter titled "Material Control Program". The results shall be submitted to
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