Sediment measurement may be made using a silver membrane filter.
If the total sediment does not exceed 1 mg/l, the ash content does not need to be determined.
Use an irradiation period of 30 minutes on a 30 ml oil sample at a power setting which causes
11.5 ±0.5 percent viscosity loss to a 30 ml sample of ASTM Reference Fluid A, when irradiated
for five minutes. ASTM Reference Fluid A is a petroleum oil containing a polymer capable of
being broken down by turbulence at high rates of shear; typical viscosities are 10.7 mm2/s (cSt) at
100°C (212°F) and 57 mm2/s (cSt) at 40°C (104°F). ASTM Reference Fluid A may be obtained
from the RohMax USA, Inc. 723 Electronic Drive, Horsham, PA 19044-2228.
See paragraph 4.4.6 for test method details.
See paragraph 4.4.4 for test method details.
3.4 Bench performance requirements. Bench performance requirements shall be as
specified in table II and 3.4.1 through 3.4.2.
TABLE II. Bench performance requirements.
Test method
Gear load carrying
Bearing deposits
severity level 1½
See 3.4.1.
See 3.4.
3.4.1 Gear load carrying ability. The average of six determinations run on the oil shall be
not less than 145 percent of the reference oil (Hercolube A, see 6.2.1) when tested in accordance
with FED-STD-791, method 6508, "Load Carrying Ability of Lubricating Oils (Ryder Gear
Machine)". All six determinations shall be made on the same machine. The reference oil
average rating used to obtain the relative ratings shall also be reported.
3.4.2. Bearing deposits. The overall deposit demerit rating shall be less than 80 after a 100
hour bearing test in accordance with FED-STD-791, Method 3410, "High Temperature Deposit
and Oil Degradation Characteristics of Aviation Turbine Oils," severity level 1½. The weight of
filter deposits shall not exceed 3 grams and the total oil consumption shall not exceed 2,000 ml.
The viscosity of the lubricating oil shall not have changed more than 0 to +35 percent from the
original viscosity at 40°C (104°F) and the change in total acid number shall not exceed 2.0 mg
KOH/g, during test and at the end of the l00 hour test period.
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