surfaces of the prepared panels.
3.4.5 Corrosiveness (Bimetallic Couple). The hydraulic fluid shall prevent corrosion,
etching, pitting, or staining on the steel disks covered with a brass clip. The fluid shall be
deemed failing if either of the following are met:
a). the test areas of more than one disk show signs of corrosion, pitting, or other attack.
b). if two disks are free of corrosion, but the third shows more than three affected spots.
3.4.6 Low Temperature Stability. The hydraulic fluid shall show no evidence of gelling,
crystallization, solidification, or separation of ingredients. The presence of a dense cloud that does
not settle shall not be cause for failure.
3.4.7 Particulate Contamination. Particle Count. The number of solid particles per 100mL of the hydraulic fluid
shall not exceed the number specified in Table II. The particle count of the hydraulic fluid shall
be measured by the use of an automatic particle counter employing the light interruption
principle. The operating directions in the manual for the respective instrument shall be used.
TABLE II. Particle Count.
Particle size range, (largest dimension),
Allowable number (max) each
determination, automatic count
10 000
over 100
10 Gravimetric Method. Gravimetric determination shall be made in accordance with
ASTM D4898 with the following additional requirements:
Exposure of the filter to open air shall be minimized. While the filter is in the petri dish, the lid shall
remain on at all times.
a). Select two (2), white, 0.45-micron, polypropylene membrane filters (such as Pall-Gelman,
GH-Polypro). Place each filter in a clean petri dish, cover, and put both dishes in a desiccator
for at least 15 minutes.
b). Remove petri dishes containing filters from the desiccators. Take a filter from its petri dish,
pass it through an ionizer for 10 seconds, and then weigh it. After weighing, immediately
return the filter to its petri dish. Repeat with the second filter.
c). Mark one filter as the control filter and one filter as the test filter. Stack the test filter on top
of the control filter and place on the filtration apparatus.
d). After filtering and drying on a filtration apparatus, dry the filters in their covered petri dishes
for 15 minutes in a 75C oven. Do not use other drying methods. Remove closed petri dish
from the oven; allow filters to equilibrate to ambient room conditions in a desiccator for 15
minutes before weighing.
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